[SFM] Deus Ex 3: Enemy Within - NSF Wins!

Lastday cometh before the death

Eh?you ded

Probably me or isaac.

I hate autocorrect…

Magnus is somehow convinced I can’t be scum and kyo thinks i’m better to keep alive right now.

Me? Dead? I’d never…unless I was instantly brought back :eyes:

i have died twice now. Existence is pain.

Ok then…magnus and kyo can’t be NSF scum then…

Bold statements considering they’re both calling for me to not be killed :eyes:

or maybe they’ve come to the conclusion that italy just can’t fucking die for some reason

Yea lol,would any NSF leader point out his teammate?


Hey,you do still love gamble right?

Help me to roll a dice two time,see what it gets :slight_smile:

How many sides?

6 sides

2 & 5

Lol,I got al those wrong…

I bet 4 & 6

so says our mighty overlords

how do you turn on google dark theme pls