[SFM] Deus Ex 3: Enemy Within - NSF Wins!


Yes, I am an UNATCO Trooper.
I’m a nerfed version of Town of Salem Vigilante.

You people sure are bold, aren’t you?

/vote Italy
I did already try this once.

the best thing is that VC is wrong and isaac unvoted

can you just let me die


@JakeTheWolfie @Hippolytus @Teleology @Magnus @Geyde

Kyo didn’t unvote me :eyes:

I know

then the petition is meaningless ree

Just end this man’s life already, Jesus.

/vote Italy

this is the only post

foolish mortals, i cannot die

but /vote Italy for real this time
end my suffering

Give me moment to analysis

We can safely lynch this man without moderrors this time

Italy is NSF Leader

Night 2 has started lasts for 24 hours unless all actions are accounted for.

Please do remind me in case you did N2 action in class pms

2/3 hours left until End of Night