[SFM] Deus Ex 3: Enemy Within - NSF Wins!

Clearly, the past 3 games haven’t told you that I don’t read :eyes:

Or the whatever post was cause I wrote out a long thing and got rid of it cause u wont read it like last time

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Gut says italy v
I’m not going into why I feel like this

You aren’t getting away with that anymore.
Read the thread and give us reads.

Geyde feels off is it just me. Idk hes v reading everyone and idk how I feel about that

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I have read the thread and there’s nothing to go off of.

This is the new strat I’m referring to

thinking Hja village here cuz meta

I’ll provide some quotes for you. Then you comment on them.

Fuck no

Mr strat man I’m not liking what ur selling. I’m keeping a eye on you :eyes:

why not

I’ve been actually thinking the opposite, for two reasons.
Your meta is actually off. You aren’t applying any pressure to anyone. You are actually lacking here.
and this

U know why and I ain’t wasting an hour bickering

When I was mafia arsonist you questioned me very aggressively, Hja.
You aren’t doing anything in this thread right now. Absolute zero.

I am not always in pressure mode only when I have energy

compare how I was d1 there and d2

Italy NK confirmed.

DatBird seems to be acting as I would expect him to be as town. He is trying to get people involved so that town will have more content to go off of.

Yeah that’s the point of asking that question to newbies. If they are newb scum sometimes they don’t know how to react

I disagree that the progression is town indicative or that scum wouldn’t defend LHF. I am not voting Lastday right now, but the “could be” pings me the wrong way.


Because he could be town or scum. I never said Lastday was confirmed scum. What I am thinking is that a Kyo or Last flip has some associations built from it if we did decide to lynch one of them. If Last is scum Kyo could could be scum trying to protect his scum partner, but I guess if they were part of the faction that didn’t know their other members it wouldn’t tell us anything. OR if Lastday is town, Kyo could still be scum trying to pocket newbie town. Either way I hate Kyo here. He has never been this defensive over “LHF” that I can remember

/Vote KyoDaz @Frostwolf103

Hja, I couldn’t even be bothered to read the thread while I was in the game.

I was less active d2 cuz I had less energy