[SFM] Deus Ex 3: Enemy Within - NSF Wins!


I was just being dumb and admittedly I didn’t consider it like that :woman_shrugging:

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Clarification on your position about Wazza and why

This never comes from scum!dat
He would just be content with my read

I’m UNATCO, I never lie.

I’m UNATCO, I never lie.

Mostly because of the angleshooting thing Geyde pointed out.
I didn’t point them out originally because, well, it’s considered against the rules (angleshooting) (I think?)
I had a close eye on Hja as well due to that post about UNATCO Miller as nowhere in my classcard does it specify UNATCO in my class type.

What is angleshooting?


I’m lie, I never UNATCO.

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“Anything against the spirit of the game.”

That’s the definition people give out.

No really, what is angleshooting?


This should explain it.

This is in fact the only reason I voted last day earlier lmao.

Oh okay. Well Hja definitely seems to be in her town meta inb4 this is the game Hja rolled scum and didn’t follow her scum meta for once

Why is Hja in her town meta?

Because she is doing her excessive questioning and reaction test pushing that she always does as town

Hja has a town meta?

Yeah. When she is scum she avoids the thread or something. At least that’s what I’ve heard from Arete I believe. I’ve never actually had a game where Hja was scum

Disagree, Hja put immense pressure on me in Arsonist game and they’re lacking it now.
Their reason is that they don’t have as much energy.