SFM: Enemy Within 2 - UNATCO and Rogue Agent Victory

What the hell makes you think Marl is town this game. He has done literally nothing.

gamer has double vote?

Yes, heā€™s chief. Would you vote Nerbins? :thinking:


Time is running out. Want to give your reads yet? :eyes:

let me see why you guys are voting him first

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i also said i stay on brax till a good explanation why nerb. voting because u say so is dumb tbh

Why? I gave you many reasons.

did nerb claim yet?

Nerbins hasnā€™t done anything yet, but any role can be scum, so itā€™s not useful anyways. :thinking:

We shouldnā€™t hammer him before he gives a response though.

yea im not voting him now

You sure break your pinky promises a lot. :roll_eyes:

Solic having flashbacks

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which pinky promise thou

what if he is? its such a douche move to have an ability to defuse bombs and not use it.

Do you read him as suchā€¦? really?

Your ability can also be used to prevent killers. Itā€™s not just bomb defusal, itā€™s a protection.

Says the guy who said I have 12 hours.
Just woke up, whatā€™d I miss.

I woke up early. :roll_eyes:


And I fucking didnā€™t.

It feels like youā€™ve been sleeping scumming the whole thread though. :eyes: