SFM: Enemy Within 2 - UNATCO and Rogue Agent Victory

So PKR have you like literally not seen the mafia confession? :eyes:

Or are you still scared Braixen might shoot you? :wink:

Okay are you blind.
I mean.
Letā€™s vote Braixen.
/vote totally evil Braixen

Thanks for making Braixen less likely to side mafia. :wink:


I want an answer.

Yes, cause he totally would with 2 members dead and one of the alive ones Illuminati.

True, are you going to copy the scumchat yet or should I just cast my vote?

I will when I have access to a computer.
Which should take 5 or 10 minutes.

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hold up, isnt posting something like that angleshooting?

Hi Raggu!
Isaac is bad!

Quoting is.
Writing it down isnā€™t.

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oh okay

Kay Rag so hereā€™s the rundown:
My buddy Geyde died.
We killed Eevee.
Marg died (not due to us) and somehow their flip was hidden, despite me being hitman and doing nothing this entire game.
Isaac revealed themself to be Illuminati Leader and asked the two remaining NSF to prove we were Illuminati or he would kill us.
Panicking and close to being lynched, I decided to reveal myself and expose the evil Gonzalez.

Thatā€™s not really a copy paste of scumchat now is it?

What do you mean am I blind?
Until we lynch either literally all Illuminati or Rogue Agent (Braixen), we will not know when an illuminati member has been killed

Iā€™m giving down a rundown while I wait.

I confessed to being scum.

What do you mean, we have literally outed mafia hereā€¦? Stop ignoring me PKR. :eyes:

But ignoring you is funā€¦
Totally hasnā€™t just missed those whole bit and just knows what the bastard stuff is and thus wants Braixen to be dunked on asap

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I mean hey it might be like last game.
Maybe we can win with the town again.