SFM: Enemy Within 2 - UNATCO and Rogue Agent Victory

That is still in sign up stage and mine will start if you join now.

Just join in yourself. EZ

That will be cheating I am afraid

How dull. Isn’t it a bastard game?

It is specifically stated that this is bastard game.

It’s also stated which mechanic is bastard.

Get a co host to play the game as well

Nah I got this.

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im gonna ree so loud if this game doesn’t start before monday

We would have started if it wasn’t for people dropping out.

Frost I think hjaisk may need to be removed tbh

@Emilia Are you certain for this one?

They did say to remove them apparently

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Inb4 a save hjasik post is made. :thinking:

I think we can go ahead with 16 players instead.

Give me 3 hours unless two people signed in the remaining 17 and 18

I can decide to look past the blacklist but I still need Hjasik’s respond if he want to stay in signup or not

Pug asked on Discord to take 18th slot and therefor, signups are closed.

/Backup are now allowed


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Sorry but I would like to out

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