SFM: Enemy Within 2 - UNATCO and Rogue Agent Victory

The spreadsheet? It only got names, faction, classes and day/night actions. Are you saying it’s about the Chief?

Found it, hang on.

Dammit, I can’t quote it.

Can I not quote from threads that are locked?

You can make a new topic about it, just copy and paste it here

I mean, how many nights does it take to destroy bulletproof vest anyway?

Shut up about the game.
I’ve muted the thread, left all PMs with it.
I’ve never been so disappointed with a game on here. Or should I say Disgusted
-Ryan, 2018


Yeah one but it’s a really weak NK to have ONE protection

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I can Sense My own salt I will have in the future

also can’t wait to see mafia interrogating their teammates on who they think the is Illuminati and for them to actually be accusing each other in their PM for bad reasons of who it is


Sounds fun

Illuminatti is only 3 ppl with no chat tho

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I am going to be honest, the only person you can trust - is yourself. Then again however, who is your greatest enemy again? You.

What about illuminati they can trust their members or?

That’s enough to leave people paranoid for people to accuse each other in mafia chat

They only know each other’s names, that’s it.

No class, no chat.

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Let the interrogation begin

I can already see 1 mafia And 3 illuminati in maf chat

Just made Isaac and Hjasik as NSF AND Illuminati.
EZ Clap


Or kill each other, which is allowed.

But you don’t know if you killed member of Illuminati unless certain conditions are met.

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