SFM: Enemy Within 2 - UNATCO and Rogue Agent Victory


My progression or solic’s?

Your progression.

This is just too fast for normality. Either it’s a meme or you know they are town.

Maybe I didn’t iterate myself correctly in regards to this response.

This post looks like deflection, and self-aware as in it’s something you acknowledge about how you play. You don’t have a real defense for it, so you post this.


Changing my mind in regards to this.


Gamer, how do you read otb at the moment?

It’s not vote phase yet but looks like he is trying to stop Solic’s tunneling. Not that bad but still out there

Other than that not much I has.

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Do you think their play comes from scum motivation or town motivation?

Idk lol

Why would town try to stop a push?

Why would scum try to stop a push?

Scum: to save scum

So how is this game bastard exactly

Geyde and gamerpoke are illuminati

Chainsaw doesn’t really apply here. Otb has been tunneling them all game as seen in the ISO. Train of thought is invalid.

Braixen & Marl interaction

Super clunky.

However, Braixen’s last post in the interaction does lead me to believe that they can’t be on the same scumteam.

Doesn’t make sense to make a judgement call this early on them.

I didn’t receive a classcard


Are you pulling a leg here?

Oh wait did I not write join

Lmao NVM I’ll /spec

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Greetings Ladies and Gentlemen, I got some good news and bad news:

We’re close to neutralizing NSF presence in New York State however we’re losing our best agents to them somehow and I have no idea who’s behind all this but I suspect we have moles in our ranks. Be Vigilant and you shall be commended to be…


I must say I am quite disappointed with the progress you have made, you have been compromised by one of UNATCO’s Agents found out about our involvement in this affairs, make sure you silence them quickly - be NSF and UNATCO included. And once this is concluded, you have much to endure you and I and be crowned as…


Listen up people, it’s time to put end of UNATCO’s operations in this region and liberate from their control. We’ve arranged disguises for this infiltration and once you manage to eliminate these key personnel, you will be regarded as…

…best people I’ve worked with!

…kings, but better than kings: Gods!

…the heroes we deserve to be, as needed!


Frost that’s confusing as fuck

K bye off to spec