SFM: Enemy Within 2 - UNATCO and Rogue Agent Victory

I can feel you vying for time.

My romantic senses are never wrong
At least tell us her name

Also that random vote is straight bad

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I actually forgot he was in the game, so thanks for distancing/framing him at least, so he might do something, but that vote is horrendous.

Pray tell the rest of the scumteam.

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Come OMGUS Marl please.

I just looked at the op and rngd a name

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Backtracking after backlash? Marrllll youā€™re flailing, itā€™s adorable.


What backlash

Everything he does is though

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I repeat that acting dumb is just a sad scum strategy.

Can you vote Marl now?

Ping me for the votes, reeeeeee


/vote Marluxion

What does OMGUS mean again.

Iā€™m to lazy to check the thing again

Vote Count!

Accused Voters Count
Margaret Bazingaboy 1/9
Gamerpoke Geyde 1/9
Luxy Sam17z 1/9
WazzaAzza Marluxion 1/9
Marluxion Solic 1/9

It means voting someone who votes you without giving a reason to. Stands for Oh My God You Suck!

Oh yeh, I have most experience with thatā€¦ wait a minute why is Marl voting me what did I do wrong this time?

Yeah Marl, what did Wazza do wrong? :thinking:

Iā€™ll wait for Marls reason before OMGUS.

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wait havenā€™t I sent like 3 messages and all of them were memes for likes

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