SFM: Enemy Within 2 - UNATCO and Rogue Agent Victory

I like how this post ends the debate

Just because it is an option, doesnā€™t mean it is likely. Why canā€™t Marl be a town role Illuminati?

Press X to doubt

Iā€™m not
But would a town role illuminati even be a threat to you right now? No

Anyways going by your theories, Squid wonā€™t be able to act when replaced out, Marl has a bomb on him, so we should focus on remaining 2 mafia, wouldnā€™t you agree?

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Hence Iā€™m not voting you.


If any of you visit me in going to be upsetti

Challenge accepted I will visit you

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And Iā€™m gonna touch your spaghetti

Heres my problem

E illatium du savik

We donā€™t know for sure if we have vigs or if Squid can still do actions while they look for replacements

waits for next person to vote me for 3rd voter is always evil


You mean 2nd voter? Because that slot has met evil

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For me itā€™s 3rd voter

But Marl isnā€™t the 3rd voter.

Marl isnā€™t evil cuz they have. A FUCKING BOMB strapped to them

oh shit wait what

WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME THIS. /unvote @Frostwolf103

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Vote Count!

Accused Voters Count
Margaret Bazingaboy 1/9
Gamerpoke Geyde 1/9
Luxy Sam17z 1/9
PoisonedSquid Margaret - Braixen 2/9
Braixen Solic - Marluxion 2/9
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hmā€¦ Suspiciousā€¦

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Very suspicious, I was just OMGUSā€™ them for the sake of being told to.