SFM: Enemy Within 2 - UNATCO and Rogue Agent Victory

/unvote @Frostwolf103


Vote Count!

Accused Voters Count
Margaret Bazingaboy 1/9
Gamerpoke Geyde 1/9
Luxy Sam17z 1/9
PoisonedSquid Margaret 1/9
Braixen Solic - Marluxion 2/9
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51 hours remaining until day’s end that result in no lunch break

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But but

Wouldnt that mean that the guy with 2 votes dies at eod :thinking:

Oops you’re right, my bad.

There fixed.

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So what will you do now? :eyes:

Nothing to defend myself, I made a big mistake thanks to listening to you so I just leave myself in this hole until I think of a way to pick myself up.

Solic you are talking too much take a break, Drunk a non alchohoholic beverage.

Why don’t you go on the offensive?

/vote Wazza @Frostwolf103

Because offence is not the best defence, if I do that I’d be more suspicious

totally not because I’m horrible at defending myself

Vote Count!

Accused Voters Count
Margaret Bazingaboy 1/9
Gamerpoke Geyde 1/9
Luxy Sam17z 1/9
WazzaAzza Margaret 1/9
Braixen Solic - Marluxion 2/9

But how are you ever going to find scum if you’re only playing defensively?

What’s the probablelem with being susupisous I do it all the time

Never said I wouldn’t read anything, I’m just not gonna try point a finger at someone.

But wouldn’t you point a finger at someone if you find them scummy? :thinking:

My point a finger is what Marl did, by that I mean randomly call someone out as scum/vote someone randomly without anything to support it.

The title is not coincidence, true someone put up the bomb. All their bases belong to them!

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I knew there was a bomb I just didn’t know who it was on dad.