SFM: Enemy Within 2 - UNATCO and Rogue Agent Victory

Because NSF reminds me of bank fees and that’s not as cool

what do you think about baz?

I don’t think they are mafia because of this post. Anything else is up in the air.

he could be bomber still tho

Solic I don’t think you are suspicious, I just don’t agree with what you are saying. That is why I have been disagreeing with you, but have not voted you

I doubt it, because they wouldn’t be so dense as to try and make a fruitless attempt of trying to throw suspicion on Marl when the host literally confirmed in thread that Marl got bombed. He would see it in scumchat or well it’d be his own action. I don’t think he’s mafia.

its possible. he could be bomber that planted on marl and trying to say marl was lying about being bombed so people can visit marl.

Except noone would buy that or risk it…

There are 4 mafia. Who else but Squid?

Then why are you not voting squid?

Voting vacant slots is bad practice. Why are you going for low hanging fruit and refusing to look at anyone else? :thinking:

That feeling when Bazinga hasn’t seen any game i was in



We found a replacement?

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Finally home.
Reeeee’ing since I’m tired but want to at least comment on something to show I am at least trying to read :expressionless:
@Marluxion there is an illuminati Bomber and a NSF bomber.
So you’re semi townfirmed due to the bomb being planted on him. Yet maybe Illuminati, potentially.


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also i feel like braixen is treading on thin ice, trying to be careful not to fall in

it’s okay to act scummy braixen, come get your feet wet

by acting shifty you just make yourself look scummier :thinking:

But it’s cold

Like half of the people in this game are barely talking, which really screws up my reads because the only two people talking a good amount is Relic and Marl. Sometimes Margret talks but they talk fucking bullshit and they are a complete lunatic. We have no fucking leads right now so i’m just getting mad, which also throws off me reads.

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Ok correction: I think Marl had the bomb put on himself on purpose