SFM: Enemy Within 2 - UNATCO and Rogue Agent Victory

Braixen’s vote should be triggering literally everyone’s red flags

followed by a no progression vote

Because I was uninformed of the Illuminati bomber class


I don’t read the fucking classes

You saw a chance to jump onto a wagon that wasn’t your own to draw traction away from yourself

Marl did you just jump in the pool?

I actually read them but I keep getting ignored.


Oh Marl so now I am not allowed to have the same opinion? I am not allowed to agree with someone?

You fucking communist

Look up the term progression and get back to me


Should I make this awkward


Try not to use that word

Only I may use it

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" 1. each of a set of proofs of color work, showing all the colors separately and the cumulative effect of overprinting them."

Oh my Motto should be “Im Braixen and I dodge the question because Marl says im scum”

But on the other hand, if marl wanted to get people to visit him, why would he say not to visit him

/unvote Marl @Frostwolf103


You answered this question yourself.

I highlighted the important parts.

It was a gambit. I don’t need to explain your inability to make a convincing argument instead of relying on “mechanical” information to confirm you.

I’m convinced.

okay when your gambit fails you get lynched next

I’m not an important PR
I can’t act anyway
I will almost certainly die to some idiot town not reading the thread and visiting me

It’s better if i’m lynched if it outs a scum and saves an (Albeit idiotic) town

When has Marl not been scum, I am wondering

If the tinfoil is correct, marl did not want invests to visit him so he claimed bombed.

This feels like a really forced backtrack ngl.