SFM: Enemy Within 2 - UNATCO and Rogue Agent Victory


/vote Geyde

I double pinky promise

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Hey @Braixen call me ace attorney.

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Would you vote Geyde? :thinking:

Pheeveeix Wright

Vote Count

Accused Voters Count
Gamerpoke Geyde - Isaac_Gonzalez 2/9
PokemonKidRyan Sam17z 1/9
Braixen RagnaroekIV - Luxy - Marluxion - WazzaAzza - Gamerpoke 6/9
Geyde BazingaBoy - Solic 2/9
overthebin Margaret - Braixen 2/9

/unvote @Frostwolf103

@Solic why Geyde?

I thought of waggoning one of 4 voters mentioned before.

You even liked the post but voted to someone different?

I unvoted… and also it would be 5/9 anyway…

@Frostwolf103 Wazza unvoted

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Why not Geyde? Who would you want to wagon then? :eyes:

he’s got you there eevee.

Lux or Gamer

Why not?
Ehh, wrong person to ask that for.

I’m nullreading half of thread, since I replaced in late into a day.
I was asking for a reason why, cause I wanted to join it, not defend it.

Vote Count

Accused Voters Count
Gamerpoke Geyde - Isaac_Gonzalez 2/9
PokemonKidRyan Sam17z 1/9
Braixen Luxy - Marluxion - Gamerpoke 4/9
Geyde BazingaBoy - Solic 2/9
overthebin Margaret - Braixen 2/9
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Facepalm Wazza unvoted


Wazza unvoted.

Gamer is chief. I townread Luxy to be honest. I’d prefer if you keep your kill on PKR, but you obviously do you.

It’d forge trust between us

Calm your titties or fear my parrot