SFM: Enemy Within 2 - UNATCO and Rogue Agent Victory

Gamer is a chief?

PKR you suddenly wake up. Interesting.

I shouldnā€™t even be online right now.
Iā€™m in a Uni society and in an extremely bad mood

/unvote @Frostwolf103

Vote Count

Accused Voters Count
Gamerpoke Isaac_Gonzalez 1/9
PokemonKidRyan Sam17z 1/9
Braixen Luxy - Marluxion - Gamerpoke - PokemonKidRyan 5/9
Geyde BazingaBoy - Solic - Eevee - Braixen 4/9
overthebin Margaret 1/9

Geyde. If you vote Braixen, you may live.

@PokemonKidRyan Since when voting out a survivor day 1 is a valid play in your books?

/vote PKR

Sorry but I have two targets who I arenā€™t liking right now, Geyde and PKR. PKR getting rid of our wildcard this early in the game.

Itā€™s a valid play if their emerald potion is heading to mafia. :wink:

A wildcard which has 2 mystery abilities and can basically screw us?
When would I ever let that live.

Vote Count

Accused Voters Count
Gamerpoke Isaac_Gonzalez 1/9
PokemonKidRyan Sam17z - WazzaAzza 2/9
Braixen Luxy - Marluxion - Gamerpoke - PokemonKidRyan 5/9
Geyde BazingaBoy - Solic - Eevee - Braixen 4/9
overthebin Margaret 1/9

Why would you choose the one with less votes then?

I mean if me, you and Braixen changedā€¦ we would have 5 on PKR easily.

Since they want a mislynch and then to push onto Geyde due to them being a previous popular target

Braixen isnā€™t going to bomb Geyde though. I trust Geyde less.

Why wouldnā€™t you want to vote Geyde? :thinking:

There is a main reason for it, I sus PKR more.

Solic want to change to PKR?

Whatā€™s Geyde?
A wildcard with 2 abilities to screw us?
I will be 100% confirmed tonight. Thatā€™s all I can say

Youā€™re not going to get PKR hung over Geyde though, so doing it like this will just get Braixen hung.

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