SFM: Enemy Within 2 - UNATCO and Rogue Agent Victory

Hey @Braixen please say your result from last night

Yeah, itā€™ll just be the NSF leader/goon and probably one more Illuminati.

For sure there is at least a single Illuminati in NSF or the whole bastard gimmick doesnā€™t make sense here, so it should be smooth sailing with these revelations.

WAIT WAIT /unvote @Frostwolf103 To close to hammer, to close, way to close.

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I think I still need to confirm myself before we get an insta hammer.

Vote Count Updated

Yea, Iā€™m just waiting on Isaac to say what he wants to say and Iā€™ll cast my vote. Thanks for coming clean. It was strange how Braixen said he didnā€™t kill anyone at the start of day and didnā€™t out his ā€œsmoke grenadeā€ earlier. It also makes perfect sense now why you were the one to call him out for it, because you knew the class and you knew he was lying.

So Braixen is fakeclaiming Rogue Agent for whatever reason.
Nerbins is openwolving Hitman.
Wazza is confirmed Rogue Agent.

You seem to have everything correct at this point since that is why I was pushing on them.

I mean come at me but I myself are still suspicious of you, youā€™re just lucky I have to kill this fake rogue agent first.

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So weā€™re killing Braixen and Wazza? 1 as the liar and 1 as RA?
Seems good

Hey! Perfect timing.

Hmm choices choices, do I kill you first or Braixenā€¦

Also killing me wont do anything unless you are scum since Iā€™m sorry to say, but Iā€™m siding good.

Youā€™re just thinking way to hard into this which makes me think maybe you are a Illuminati NSF member since you thought so deep into it.

Iā€™m requesting protection tonight. I see no reason to hide after we have found the Hitman. Iā€™m Specialist and checked Nerbins last night as NSF.

Iā€™m good, but not THAT good guys. :wink:

Just keep me safe and I can snuff out the last Illuminati. Please donā€™t defuse me, but keep heals on me and @GamerPoke please refill my faction checks.

Okay then, I kill PKR tonight and you check Braixens faction? Sound Good?

PKR are you salty enough to replace out again?

You have an openwolving mafia and a fakeclaiming Rogue Agent and this is what you decide to do with your posts.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how Illuminati are you? :eyes:

No, you should kill Braixen.

Fine, you check PKR then?

I give it a 12.

Iā€™m not going to announce my checks with a framer/tailor around.