SFM: Enemy Within 2 - UNATCO and Rogue Agent Victory

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The people have enough of bald serial killer with barcode on itā€™s back, the guards have dragged him away before Nerbins could be remembered as the infamous Silent Assassin. His voice can be still be echoed throughout the coming darkest hour before dawn.

ā€œAve Maria! maiden mild! Listen to a maidenā€™s prayer! Thou canst hear though from the wild, Thou canst save amid despair. Safe may we sleep beneath thy care, Though banishā€™d, outcast and reviled - Maiden! hear a maidenā€™s prayer; Mother, hear a suppliant child! Ave Maria!ā€

ā€œAve Maria! undefiled! The flinty couch we now must share Shall seem this down of eider piled, If thy protection hover there. The murky cavernā€™s heavy air Shall breathe of balm if thou hast smiled; Then, Maiden! hear a maidenā€™s prayer; Mother, list a suppliant child! Ave Maria!ā€

ā€œAve Maria! stainless styled! Foul demons of the earth and air, From this their wonted haunt exiled, Shall flee before thy presence fair.We bow us to our lot of care, Beneath thy guidance reconciled; Hear for a maid a maidenā€™s prayer, And for a father hear a child! Ave Maria!ā€

Nerbins isā€¦NSF Hitman

Night 2 has started.


I will end the night as soon every night action is submitted, if not then it proceeds as normal.

23 hours and 30 minutes remaining.

21 hours remaining because I am not bothering to do half a hours.

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All actions have been send, flip incoming.

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Trrrrtrrrrttrtrrrtrrr YAAAAAARGGHHHAAARGH

No raid from the outside this time, looks like the fight comes from the Headquarters itself as someone made the death screech of agony as anyone who is awake right now rushes to catch the infiltrators in time butā€¦

Gamerpoke is UNATCO Chief


Day 3 has started and 72 hours until EoD


Why didnā€™t you guard Gamer? :confused:


You have some explaining to do. :wink:

/vote Isaac @Frostwolf103

I want to lynch between PKR and Isaac today as it stands.


Thanks for getting rid of Braixen.

Vote Count

Accused Voters Count
Isaac_Gonzalez Solic 1/7

Actual hours are 71 hours until EoD, ignore the previous one.

This is the ability Braixen used last night. heā€™s confirmed illuminati

Solic how dare you doubt my soulreads

wait is the unatco / nsf version called surveillance camera too?

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Uhh, normal Guards use this too you know :sweat:

What did you do night 1? And why would you check the person that was going to get killed? :thinking:

Right Marl. :eyes:

omfg I love frostwolf so much this is what he said due to my new death note.

ā€œYour new target didnā€™t like your new face and died by your GEP Gunā€


No problem, I did say I would


I will always have a new face.

/vote Marl @Frostwolf103 confirmed scum, Iā€™ll explain once they say their last night action.