SFM: Enemy Within 2 - UNATCO and Rogue Agent Victory

Look at me I’m so Town Marl btw

Doubling down after being caught out. :thinking: Doing it once would be townie, but doing it twice! That is very suspicious. Did I actually catch scum… hmm :eyes:

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Terran commander here. We gotta smoke out the protists Bois.

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Protoss are the best don’t @ me

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i don’t disagree

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wonderful to see you here btw bin
i think there’s a game that rhymes with smelemental barge that you forgot you were in


Oh right. Lemme check in there just a bit.

Pocketing vibes intensify.

My pocket can carry two, feel free to jump in

Are you quivering in your boots already Marl? :thinking:

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I make Margaret an exception since she mention she won’t be much on in 1/2 day

Thank you for making the game happen

I don’t wear boots

Hi scum solic. Like old times eh. XD

I was a demon then. I am a reaper now.


What do you wear?

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Don’t worry. You’re not on my scum block yet.


I feel left out… almost.


It’s empty for now. You want in?