SFM: Enemy Within 2 - UNATCO and Rogue Agent Victory

@Luxy What is your read on Solic?

To me, the early scumhunting right off the bat suggests town, even if some posts were questionable. I want to see more from solic anywho

What are your thoughts on otb and Marl buddying up?

I wouldnā€™t say them both disliking solic is buddying, I felt like otbā€™s vote was more of a meme one myself

Marlā€™s posting has been weird, if one of the two had to be scum, it would be marl atm

Marl remarked how they had ā€˜two pocketsā€™, basically saying that otb was a pocket.

So it probably is buddying.

Not sure about that.

Why would they make those posts despite them obviously making them very easy to scumread?

Youā€™re saying TWTBAW which is a fallacy but I digress

I donā€™t really get this



/vote luxy ez scum

Reminder that illuminati will be trying to let each other know who are scum through hidden code if they are on NSF

iā€™m was just being jokingly agressive towards Marl because it was the confirmation stage

Again with the meta reads smh.

Marl is innocent until he lives through n1


why are you so sure that he is innocent? just asking

your saying someone is innocent d1?

unless your on a scum team with them then you shouldnā€™t be calling anybody innocent
