SFM: Enemy Within 2 - UNATCO and Rogue Agent Victory

That is changed.

That way, any Illuminati that gets killed will be flipped in true colors when NK dies so…

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I bet illuminati will be salty if NK does that

Host-slip, you called it NK.

It’s like having the easy way or the hard way:

Easy way - Just kill the NK lol
Hard way - Illuminati stay green or red until whole faction dies out.

I died as bum


I would rather scumread the Illuminati and point them in the direction or die lol

That’s up to player’s choice.

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FK is the type of Person Who I would Expect to see IRL illuminati

We need to have a game Where Its
7townies vs 7 lost wolfs

No lynching is not an option And no night stage

Needs to be flip less to have any chance of being fair lol

That way townies can fake claim lost wolf and vice versa and they won’t be able to open claim lost wolf when a townie is lynched

I mean Thats the point

A lot of the illuminati classes are really weak

The illuminati specialist needs a big buff but idk what

You should make the illuminati leader should be immune to death once or something

Illuminati hitman should be able to change a flip(make illuminiti seem UNACTO and vice versa)

Illuminati bomber is confusing and still pretty weak… Maybe just make it so that Illuminati members can’t die from it?

Why not

normal hitman can do that too

I thought normal hitman was just a regular janitor

Everyone votes for the most townie person who’s a lost wolf

Oh there you are Litten

But lost wolf can claim town And town can claim lost wolf