SFM: Enemy Within 2 - UNATCO and Rogue Agent Victory

Are you still at uni? :eyes:

Be wary about claiming your role by the way. There might be an anti-claim mechanic attached to the Rogue Agent.

So solic so far you have taught me, you canā€™t agree with people, you canā€™t vote people who have already been voted, and you canā€™t accuse a person of being evil if they have voted you. Are you fucking high?

Drunk, dirty and high. Thatā€™s me in a nutshell.

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What are you on?

Insert cheap joke of having a Dutch flag

Why donā€™t you just answer the questions I asked you instead of acting like I can actually prohibit you from doing things (and shading me while doing that, which makes no sense if you townread me)

I signed in, not replaced in.

And I love signing in after signups close so I can complain I was too slow to sign for a game when in reality I was too lazy to play it.

I donā€™t mean to get rude to you specifically, but there is way too many slankers in this setup now and itā€™s annoying me.

Hey, at least Iā€™m active.

I mean active for interactions.

Okay, why shouldnā€™t I try to CFD this unto you? :thinking:

Cause you donā€™t think Iā€™m scum.

Thatā€™s a bold assumption to make without having even read the game?

None of your posts to me so far are from PoV of someone who thinks second person is scum.

You are talking to me on equal ground, trying to get info. You can suspect me slightly, but thatā€™s not gonna be your biggest suspicion.

nah i bet im one of solics highest sus targets

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I suspect EVERYONE

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What do you think about Braixenā€™s accusation?

TBH im not really afraid of it. He suddenly said that the 3. vote on a wagon is scum and crafted a theory how i bomb planted marl to fit his vision. And i, on the other hand know that it wasnt me so its in my eyes a desperate way to get attention away from him to me, his 3. accuser

Then who is my biggest suspicion and do you find it justified?

That question requiers to backread.

Try again.