SFM: Enemy Within 2 - UNATCO and Rogue Agent Victory

Damn that was easy

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/vote Overthebin @Frostwolf103

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10/10 logic but ok.

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My logic is flawless

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Vote Count

Accused Voters Count
Marluxion Bazingaboy 1/9
Gamerpoke Geyde - Isaac_Gonzalez 2/9
PokemonKidRyan Sam17z 1/9
Braixen Marluxion - RagnaroekIV - Luxy 3/9
RagnaroekIV Braixen 1/9
Geyde Solic 1/9
overthebin Margaret 1/9

16 hours until EoD

I voted geyde dude, even pinged

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Vote Count

Accused Voters Count
Marluxion Bazingaboy 1/9
Gamerpoke Geyde - Isaac_Gonzalez 2/9
PokemonKidRyan Sam17z 1/9
Braixen Marluxion - RagnaroekIV - Luxy 3/9
RagnaroekIV Braixen 1/9
Geyde Solic - BazingaBoy 2/9
overthebin Margaret 1/9


Excuse me I woke up in Tuesdays mornings

My worst kind of mornings in weekdays.

@Margaret @Sam17z @Geyde @Isaac_Gonzalez If youā€™re reading Braixen as scummy, vote him. If youā€™re not, explain why.

Nowhere in that post did I dispute that Marl is scum.

formal tone and emotionally charged responses mutually exclude each other. It was a very unnatural posting manner to me and these explanations donā€™t do you any favours.

Obviously I read it. Why SPECIFICALLY? There are at least 5 scum after all. Did you play a game with Gamer before?

Weā€™re on borrowed time

We need to lynch someone

Braixenā€™s flip will reveal at minimum one scum to me

Can you spell D I S T A N C I N G any louder? Where is your rally or vote on Braixen if this is so scummy? :thinking:

What about Geydeā€™s flip? :eyes:

Some guy literally claimed Rogue Agent, lurked, etc. Confirmed scum VS Associative read

Also I gotta say I expected at least a little shadethrowing my way Geyde or do you just already know that Iā€™m town. :eyes:

You disputed the validity of the argument, calling it a tinfoil. You were caught up in the belief that Marl was RA above all else.

How do they exclude eachother?

Please describe how it is unnatural, and describe why somebody would do a complete 180 on their own read.

Bazā€™s argument hinges upon my interaction with Gamer being Illu - Illu, yet I questioned Gamer for their extremely cautious responses.

OWFM. They were scum and didnā€™t contribute anything all game. Iā€™ve been getting metavibes.

Your confirmation bias is acting up again.

You didnā€™t read the response if you didnā€™t find unyielding facepalm being thrown in your direction :^)

Reread that interaction and try again.

Gotta say it is very dissapointing that that is all he contributes, but itā€™s sadly NAI for OTB as far as I know.