SFM: Enemy Within 2 - UNATCO and Rogue Agent Victory

Don’t delete own posts tho.

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they are off topic

Still undo it.

You guys do know that editing your posts can get you mod killed right?

And don’t edit it, it kinda makes it suspicious and get you mod-killed

I didn’t edit nothing

In the heated argument, it is decided that Geyde will be executed in charges of conspiring against UNATCO and dragged him out of conference room - never heard of him again.

Several hours later since the meeting has adjourned for tomorrow day it is known that Geyde have demolitions equipment with him.

Geyde is…NSF Bomber!

Night 1 has been started. 24 hours until EoN. Cease Twilight Talking in immediate effect!


Yeh but deleting your own post kinda messes it up

I’ll be generous to end the night early when all night actions are submitted.

@Sam17z @Nerbins @GamerPoke @Marluxion @eevee


2 Hours until EoN


This was merely the beginning of first day and as the dawn is approaching for brand new day however, a firefight broke out in the headquarters assumingly by NSF troopers trying to raid in front doors but it got repelled by auto-turrets very quickly.

in the midst of chaos however, it appears there are more infiltrators than bomberman hiding among us and killed some of our chief executives.

Eevee is… UNATCO Enforcer


We found a picture what appears to be appearance of someone on the body of Margaret, the face of the killer? Strange enough, no one fit to that description since previous meeting.

Day 2 begins and 72 hours until EoD.

Rip eevee and marg. So only hitman and agent can hide a kill flip huh…

hola amigos

I didn’t kill Margaret, I actually didn’t kill anyone last night

So it is a hitman

how is there 2 kills then?

i didnt said it was u. i just stated which classes can do that

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this looks like a agent tho

I was extremely active. So if it was me the description would fit me

so up pkr?