SFM: Enemy Within 2 - UNATCO and Rogue Agent Victory

I guess illuminati was part of mafia And screwed Mafia over

I was like, where’s your subtlety?

“What subtlety? Thanks for showing the names lol”

OP Thread has been updated for sorting out class cards in categories.

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I am ready to potentially die internally for the second time that Frost has hosted


peeks in
Ici and Pug are also innocent little bois too.
Please don’t talk about protein
My widdle baby ears hurt

Nut is good for your body, they said.

Protein is gud :^)

Too bad that is me 2 years ago.

Eff this, /in.

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Oh I think I get it from different perspective.

Eating food that contains nuts, ggwp.

Cough You are too pure.


You are not, you browsed furaffinity :thinking:

Not related by the way

Heretics! I know you browsed e926 on your free time /s

Delet this

Sure. :stuck_out_tongue:

All I want is cool pfp

So pfp like mine ?

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That’s a fair point

Fair point.

Have a nice day.



How can I lose My sanity