SFM Enemy Within Informed Spec chat


So yeah, light side.

Had CRichard not claimed Watcher or be on lookout for who might also visited PKR that night, he would be still alive.

Sucks aint it when NSF is denied all the good stuff.

While Eevee still hasnt converted anyone yet.

mechanically NSF should have been in a way better position this game

they had a lot more tools, and their leader didn’t get modrevealed day 2

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I agree honestly, the clean bomb on Gorta is really well thought.

Not to mention Gorta didn’t do logs so it would be more worrisome if it wasnt cleaned and was on PKR.

They didn’t have Astand though.

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Soul has advantage of not able to get checked as UNATCO, meanwhile Eevee is still waiting to convert.

Lets see, 9 players alive after mislynching Intensify. Derps is out of shots, Soul can still attack. So it will be 8 players alive. If you were CL waiting with so much patience you would convert this night?

If yes, then who?

converting derps tonight would probably be a gamer move

He’s out of shots, so he will be nothing more than converted citizen

oh, converts dont get charges back?

then erika convert

scum doublevoter is probably bonkers

And yes, having Illuminati killer to reduce KPN even more would be better position for them.

No charges, thats why Erika’s the only one who can. That’s why using all your charges right away and not able be towncore left you powerless.

erika + derps converts would be pretty strong although if one goes out the other becomes pretty obvious

but at that point Illuminati might have parity

Micromanaging your charges is important.

I think Erika will be good convert yes.

As long Soul doesnt kill Erika.

3 votes for Illuminati, 4 votes for UNATCO and 1 vote from NSF. At this point however, Eevee can use actions to save himself or Erika, but cant use convert as second night action.

Erika gives Cult a doublevote + infinite action refreshes

the only drawback is that NSF might decide to doink them

Yeah and town might suspect Erika being converted as well this point.