SFM Enemy Within Informed Spec chat

I think the variant in this game is only for the following night

And there is role that comes from mafia team, mainly the Godfather. Well that doesn’t always send Goons to perform Factional Kill however Godfather have passive tailor skill that shows he is town and has death immunity as well.

Should Intensify get lynched, this is more of information lynch about the claims. Therefor, Soul will look more suspicious.

Again, if Illuminati converts this night while Soul kill another UNATCO and not Eevee or the convert, it will be 5vs2vs1 (or 4vs3vs1 if Eevee converts Erika with the doublevoter, the problem is that Soul will very likely kill Erika if he thinks Ops Bonus no longers benefit himself)

It will also take lot of convincing for the rest of UNATCO vote Soul because the night after, Illuminati wins by vote majority of 4 against 3 when Eevee converts again here, unless Erika have given Ops Bonus to Derps who’s currently out of shots will able to even the odds of not giving Illuminati the win here, Illuminati will be clear winner.

Which is…unlikely that confirmed vig claim will get replenished.

Town: 3 correct executions and only 1 ML
Also Town: about to lose to a cult that hasn’t converted yet


Their skill degrades every time they execute scum

oh they actually yeeted intensify

joy cat tbh

They simply lost their deduction and reasoning after lynching three scum it seems

It’s not really easy to deduce 2/10th scum, who are not groupscum together and only one of them has associations in a team.

Town shapes up fairly well. It’s just that mechanics fell very scum-sided with so far zero crossfire between Illuminati and NSF.


I think now that Soul and Eevee are likely screwed now if the rest of town pick up this now.

I like how town are winning more often now.

Right now, Soul is not going to attack Erika. So Eevee can convert Erika and manipulate the court.

Whats happening.

Soul is attacking, that’s all happening atm.

Two hours until locking actions and Eevee hasn’t done action yet (or Erika in that matter as well) :cold_sweat:

g aer a  a

Who is being attacked?

Eli will be the one attacked and all protectives have outlived their usefulness. Min do still have one use of cop check left.