SFM Enemy Within Informed Spec chat

They always joke about leaving.

Already they are failing to use social reads and let the game mechanics blind them

Hey man, I think u just gotta realize, 1 not everyone wants to play your game (either their not interested or dont got the time for it, 2 some people enjoy speccing. Like there’s no reason to hate spectators over not wanting to play ur game.

sure not liking people being toxic is fine, but like app wasn’t being toxic about the seth thing and I think u are overblowing it

I am not calling names you have to understand.

im not saying u are, i think u are flustered over specs when you shouldnt, and calling some toxic when i think no one heres been too bad

what stopped the factional kill?

The bomb is planted.

i forgot leafia was scum lol

NSF looks more screwed day by day

Accused Voters Count
Surge PokemonKidRyan, Centuries, ErikaFurudo, CRichard564, Amelia 6/9
Centuries Surge, Leafia 2/9

Current vote count

If Intensify claims doctor as well then Surge is done for.

so uh they’re just continuing to post after hammer idk if I should say something or not

nvm don’t think it’s actually hammer anyway

@Arete I think vc was wrong or something. I’ve triple checked and I get 8/9

oh I’m stupid they had doublevoter

Just let me know here when to open

I am back now

If not Datbird online can other mod unlock the thread?

@Arete Are you here?

@DatBird @Arete Are either of you here/can you unlock the thread so Frostwolf can post the flip?