[SFM] Evolution Mafia [Mafia wins]

Does it make him a wolf, though? If so, why?

I actually do kind of think he might be a wolf. This is because he seems to not be contributing a ton to the actual discussion, and with minimal posting it would be difficult to read them for slips and such. Combined with his reads, which his on marshal is stating rather obvious and the reads on me and luxy seem ironic in nature, I think he could very well be scum attempting to not associate with his team.

This is not what you’re doing and you know it

So who would his theoretical team be?

I digress. I first posed marshal the question of what he thought of emi, to try and, at the very least, stop him from going round in circles.

Ok, I’ll humour you for a second, what do you think of Emilia?

Did other people’s opinions change your view of Emilia’s alignment?

This is a very good question. If he is scum, I could see katze/jake being with him

friendly reminder that if a protective got an evo point, they should invest in being a bodyguard who kills attackers and guard someone else who has an evo point

I don’t have, nor had, a read on them.

As you were the only voice of opinion, Not very.

So you were asking opinions on another player not to build a read on/expand your own opinion on but rather for fun?

I mean, this game is for fun, no?

Also lol at you trying to get me to do a meta analysis of amelia which would take me hours of time which i don’t have

But in any case, I was trying to clear the air.

interesting how amelias posting has changed significantly after being called out for it


Well if you want to use meta, at the very least you could show your analysis of previous games, not only of where they are the claimed faction, but also of the opposing claimed faction, just as a fairer metric. Along with that, you also show how they can only be the claimed faction based on meta analysis.

Oh dear god that’s a lot of posts. I don’t have the time to look over them right now, so if anybody can give a summary, that’d be very appreciated


I’m sad you haven’t gone back to us N. :cry: Cast a vote, why don’t you? :upside_down_face:


What do you think about N’s wagon?