[SFM] Evolution Mafia [Mafia wins]

it’s really that simple
i also like a lot of hippo’s takes

I think that is a quite easy town meta to fake, don’t you think?

What other reaction am I supposed to give? We both know that question is always poised so you can find a flaw in your accuser’s overall wolfteam and by proxy made their reads look worse overall.

No, not really. It’s a matter of neccecity. Hippo is a more passive player as villa, basically curving his vote from wagon to wagon, hitching it wherever they might find. He really doesn’t care about getting read w, something that is fairly likely to happen otherwise. So he extends his posts. Hippo’s wolf posts come across as really villagery unless you look at them closely, which people don’t really do, because they just see the relative depth of them.

I’m fairly sure it’s an unavoidable preference, and it’s effective, since I’ve misread hippo’s longer posts as lock v quite a few times.


i’m glad you put your rightful outfit on at least.

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Isn’t possessed a Mirror or something?

preflipping is analysing based on somebody’s flip despite the fact they haven’t flipped, something that you did based on TWO FUCKING POSTS from Derps.

how can a person be a mirror

now correct me if im wrong but isn’t wolf!Derps pretty notorious for bussing

Yes, but this is based on Poss’s vote on Derps, not the other way around.

Hey pot, I’m kettle.

Yes, were both black.

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A person is a object that reflects light in an identical way that a mirror would.

oh, i didnt see the VC

now i haven’t seen either of you in person, but…


jake what are people like wherever you live
what’s happened to their skin

i’m white as fuck, in case my temper tantrums haven’t made it clear

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No, that’s just my bullshit definition of a Mirror.

Ok were white pots then

metaphor #destroyed with #facts and #logic

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@katze what are your thoughts on the game as a whole? especially considering the threadstate