[SFM] Evolution Mafia [Mafia wins]

The game for winning evo points will be fortnite

All syncrosummons can be blocked by:

  • UA Perfect Ace
  • UA Blockbacker
  • UA Penalty Box

Prove me wrong.

Yu-Gi-Oh mechanics were made for 8 year olds to be able to play.

No offense, just facts.

The show in the 90s was fire, though.

these cards are what do best at SUMMONING YOUR IMMINENT DEMISE

Both me and ici brought p spicy decks ngl

@Marshal i hour until EoD, and we’re talking about digimon Yugioh. Would you like to contribute your vote to the great Amelia foundation?

2 hours and 45 minutes actually. :thinking:

My favorite thing to do is summon chain resonator normally, and then yoink creation resonator onto the field
Immediate 8+1+3, level 12 synchro summon

wait 15 minutes.

hey hippo use the monkey’s paw
you know you want to

Online or physical deck?

The point of my deck is I dont want stuff in my hand lmao

Internet still dead but knowing Comcast it might not be back for hours so I’ll try to endure this mobile posting

I think Amelia’s posting has been atrocious and it only slightly picked up after being poked at by multiple people

My thoughts are that some players who are generally more reserved might feel/have felt overwhelmed by the shit going on earlier

Now it’s pretty calm at least

Online deck. I actually lost the deck I made and forgot how to recreate it, but damn was it terrifying to the poor fools

Until they used solemn warning or something.
I hated that card.

Duel links or some other one?

I got base of my U.A on duel links, but miss few cards there.
Still playable.

surely there’s Something you want in your hand

P sure it’s 1H15M

Hi. :wave: Can you use your vote more productively. :upside_down_face:

Derps always does that though