[SFM] Evolution Mafia [Mafia wins]

If the winners are public we, as a town, can decide 2 people

If someone not In there gets a win, Dey sus

okay so here’s the thing
i’m going to ignore this game until 17:00 GMT. then we’ll see if this damned headache subsides long enough for me to do anything

Was poss ever bigly wagoned?

I’m willing to sheep NKA and /vote poss for science

Only cuz luxy is prolly screaming @ every1 in deadchat

Ehh, Scum could just force someone else to get a point

They are not and hence even moer we need to decide.

That is stupid combination.
If most of people decided on Italy, do Italy + Someone.

We need to agree now tho.

/vote Possessed

everybody already knows my reason for this

I dont agree with italy vote


Help me unify the voters, they spread out.

I feel like if they were W/W Marshal wouldn’t announce that he’s throwing the game on purpose, he would just throw the game on purpose and then not say he’s doing it


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Doesn’t matter you do or you do not tbh.
If mayority says Italy, you vote Italy just so mafia won’t overtake it.

It’s majority thing with offvoters needing to follow majority in the end.

I would take Katze/Someone more than Italy/Someone tbh.

intentionally trying to lynch villagers because he didn’t want the wolves to concede

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IIRC Ici tunnelled Kyo in Danganronpa for distancing which was annoying because he actually managed to get him lynched

I’m voting italy/squid

Tbf because of my CFD the other option ended up being ici

Can you restate your reasons again?