[SFM] Evolution Mafia [Mafia wins]

/vote N

  1. You Responded to things that were said after that read And only Responded to the read after I put a vote

  2. Or more likely that you were arguing for pre-flipping being bad there rather than saying that vul’s pre-flipping is bad without giving Any reasons while thinking that pre-flipping is useful

They game me the idea to inspire leadership.

arete pls confirm that there’s some kind of curse placed on this forum that causes me to immediately become extremely bad at the game, because i’m always 200iq town leader who thunderdomes the demon and wins in botc

Nope, just me

I just don’t really see you trying to a town leader? :thinking:

I know you weren’t asking me

Solic pls go rest

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But before you do, give thoughts on the current gamestate.

Who’s soul did u Take ?

If this is offensive, ugh I just need to… reallyyyy cya? XD

Why isnt your name soul-ic

I mean yeah, I considered ‘actually solving the game’ more important than ‘pointless argument about Mafia theory’ but when you put down a vote I was like ‘okay fine whatever I guess she actually cares about the answer here’

wow arete just gonna leave me here

I just noiticed that there’s a SUPPORT, but not an offensive. thonk

just be good at the game 4head

I mean that post was scumread on u

if marshal flips universal i’m going to bash a door in with MY SKULL

He is hydra with universal

he claimed support with a 2 shot roleblock already

Hey, let’s switch gears and talk about SDA

Before I personally read them, I want your opinions on him.