[SFM] Evolution Mafia [Mafia wins]

ISO my wagonomics post

I would rather just get answer if you don’t mind.
Eventually a link.

Otherwise I will just assume you don’t want to share a reason.

I did work, why can’t you?

My off-wagon theory is that there is scum in N.1s slot/Vulgard/Icibalus. I think the strongest case is on N.1s Slot.

Katze vote could implicate a Katze/N.1 slot scumteam

Why am I getting the feeling that it’s absolutely worthless to put effort into making advanced reads? Nobody wants to read anything ever

I’m reading everything you’re posting, I’m just silent about it for the time being.

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And also, I’ve kinda talked to you a lot in comparison to most other players.

You’re one of the few and I appreciate you

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Get used to it, though.

Vulgard: takes an hour to write a case on Jake
Hours later: only voter on Jake

I’m just waiting for EoD to do stuff.

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Hey I read it too. I get your point, trust me…I just want some second opinions. Nobody has been around besides us and Eevee to really analyze Jake

Yeah, that’s a thing too. That’s why I generally wait to do stuff until more people are online; I wrote the case on Jake now because I had the ISO and conclusions in my head, I’d forget most of it later.

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Just do us all a solid and bring it back up when more people join. I’ve noticed people tend to focus on their own reads and forget previous reads…so scum can slip through cracks when other wagons get pushed.

I’m just going to stay on N. Will have more time in weekend

N is the player I’m the most indifferent about in this game. I would never be opposed to a lynch or vig on that player, but at the same time, lynching them feels like a waste. Can town KP get an evo point so we can vig this?

How does one just get an evo point?

Oh my thread didn’t update on autoupdate, wtf discourse.

Lemme see


Let me get it straight.
You are voting Katze cause you think that they are N.1’s scummate, who tried to save them?

If you base it on N.1’s flip, it would make more logic to flip N.1 first tbh.

So there has to be something more behind it.

There HAS to be scum on the Amelia wagon; there’s absolutely zero chance there isn’t.


The top 2 I listed I believe have the shadiest votes, and Jake has a “wtf are you actually doing” to his vote. All 3 very high scum equity.

The timing on Katze’s vote, coming from no vote to Amelia wagon could suggest an attempt to steer a direction. There is also a chance scum was satisfied with the voters quo and stayed off. N.1s flip is much more dependent on Katzes flip here. If Katze flips scum, it’s a direct implication on the next highest wagon: N.1.

Katzes ISO screams null to me; good portion of fluff and memes.

Vote timing and VCA seems to be the surest method of catching scum; surer than reads in my opinion. The only scum I’ve personally been able to catch recently was through VCA.
