[SFM] Evolution Mafia [Mafia wins]

I did reeeeeeeeeee

…because it still gives scum better night targets?

You did saying that you are 6th class type.

Want me to start considering it was serious?

Random thought: what if eevee is trying to rolefish by steering the thread toward the question “Who Should Get Evo Points?” and asking people to fight for them?

ok StOp

And it matters why?

You can hide if you need to.
Killings can become vengful ect.

Roles have selfprotections Katze.

I don’t think it looks better OR worse. Obviously I know I’m town and thus that wouldn’t factor into my discussion.

Would I scumread someone for being the first vote on a wagon? Not particularly.

2 roles do

and both aren’t flawless

And you can as well just protect others if you feel like it.
Or… invests can be death oracles, becoming cop.

It might be guessing work, but rn… I don’t see any disadvantage yet.

I’m working on the information I have.
And the information I have doesn’t seem like risk outweights the gain.

Really, getting more informations about possibly evolutions and what people did each ngiht might be beneficial in figuring out who lied.

for fuck’s sake
my mother just randomly, completely unprompted, told me a story that just ammounted to “GO TO THERAPY YOU’RE DISABLED”

Icibalus, go home.

We don’t need offtop here rn.

For once I want to come to SOME agreement.

eevee i need to post compulsively to get my thoughts moving.

the point is that i do it until I get a vague flash of inspiration. not actually off-topic, but not as on-the-ball as i’d like to think I usually am

i work best with a clarity of thought i cannot dredge up right now

Also last question @Emilia

Each time you said “I need the EVO point”.
My question is… do “We need you getting EVO point”?

That’s actually serious question.

Is you getting 1st point better than someone else getting 2nd in your opinion?

For town, not specificly for you.

I already have 1 point from last day wdym

I am talking about needing second