[SFM] Evolution Mafia [Mafia wins]

WaIt YoU tOoK tHe DeSpAcItO dAyViG? lMaO wHaT tHe HeCk

Or iso

CaUsE iTs DeLeTeD nErD

:shield: (@arete) = :billed_cap: Lttrs + TXT

it’s not even a desperado sulit just calls it one
it’s more like an instant guilt dayvig

Tbh it’s Good Cuz everyone can trust him

it mechconfirms me and my target
because we both die

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ShOoT mArShAl

/Vote Emilia


marshal is already dead
i kenshiro’d him

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Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Icibalus Emilia 1
Emilia Derps 1
Derps Arete 1


/vote icibalus

i probably should’ve picked the three shot guiltless nightvig over the two shot instant guilt dayvig
but oh well, you live and you learn



DeRpS cAn YoU eXpLaIn In AnY aMoUnT oF pIcTuReS nEcEsSaRy WhY yOu ArE tOwN


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I tRuLy DoN’T kNoW wHaT i ExPeCtEd