Despite a lot of people screaming that if someone steals it, they will be lynched?
Doing so as protective soft when those who got points softed/claimed other types?
Especially with town pushing hard the “Protective on people with points” vision?
Squid did not like the stealing of points though, especially if nobody else with the same class as her got a point. It would be beneficial for scum to steal points and restrict information for investigatives
iM nOt SaYiNg I dIdN’T, cAuSe I tOtAlLy CoUlD hAvE sOfTeD iT, bUt WhY wOuLd A hIdEr OuT wHo ThEy’rE hIdInG bEhInD pRiOr To DoInG iT? tHaT’S jUsT sUiCiDe
AlSo EeVeE wHaT wAs ThE pUrPoSe Of FaKiNg A pOsT rEsTrIcTiOn
I tHoUgHt ThEy WeRe AtRoCiOuS bEcAuSe I’M nOt A fAn Of LyNcHiNg PeOpLe WhO hAd JuSt SuBbEd In To ThE gAmE, aNd EeVeE wAs ObViOuS tOwN tO mE aT tHe EnD oF dAy 2
tO mE tHe WaZzA lYnCh WaS tHe LeSsEr Of TwO eViLs BuT i’d HaVe MuCh RaThEr LyNcHeD oUtSiDe Of ThE pOoL, bUt I’M cOnTeNt WiTh A mAfIa KiLlInG fLiP bEcAuSe LiKe EeVeE sAiD eArLiEr, I kInD oF dOuBt ThErE’S tWo Of ThOsE.
EeVeE pIcKiNg Up On My Tp ClAiM aCtUaLlY sUrPrIsEd Me A tInY bIt SiNcE i WaS sOfTiNg UnIvErSaL bUt I tHiNk My MeSsAgEs To ItAlY iMpLyInG tHaT hE sHoUlD rEaLlY hOpE i GeT a PoInT wErE wHaT pInGeD hIm To My TrUe ClAiM, i WaSn’t EnTiReLy HiDiNg ThE pRoT cLaIm AnD wOuLd HaVe ClAiMeD d2 iF nEcEsSaRy
BeCaUsE aLl 3 oF tHe LeVeL 1 PrOtEcT tReEs LiTeRaLlY cAn’t ReLiAbLy SaVe AnYbOdY bUt MySeLf
AnD i’d LiKe To ThInK mY wIfOm GaMe Is KiNd Of DeCeNt BuT i SuPpOsE wE cAn AgReE tO dIsAgReE tHeRe
BeSiDeS, wItH hOw TiGhT eVeRyBoDyS pOe Is, SuReLy We DoN’T nEeD iNvEsTs :^) (tHiS iS sArCaSm, By ThE wAy)
BuT iF yOu’rE aLl StIlL cOnViNcEd ThAt Me StEaLiNg SqUiDs PoInTs WhEn My InTeNtIoN wAs To GeT a DoCtOr LiKe RoLe (WhIcH wAsNt AvAiLaBlE n1) tHeN lYnCh YoUr OnLy OuTtEd PrOtEcTiVe WiTh 2 pOiNtS aNd CrY wHeN i FlIp A uSeFuL rOlE bEcAuSe I dOn’t CaRe To KeEp DiScUsSiNg ThIs (AnD yOu QuItE lItErAlLy CaN’T fOr ToO lOnG) aNd I fEeL lIkE mY aCtIoNs ShOuLd SpEaK fOr ThEmSeLvEs