[SFM] Evolution Mafia [Mafia wins]

Then… maybe ask a question instead of trying to make it seem like I’m ignoring you?

“Can you answer me?”
“When will you answer?”

Wtf is that.

because Marshal’s play here is hecking identical to his D1 there


technically these posts have words, not images

but it’s the same thing

marshal declared a post limit to where shitposting was just no longer allowed
and even though nobody really followed it, he cut his shitposting to a minimum after that point
he has not stopped

If I do, that’s going to out what I am and possibly get me killed. I’m not the only person saying that I should get the point, but once again, I’m getting singularly targeted

I know who I am and I’m sick of being useless. I need at least one point or we might be fucked

I searched uwu and owo in that game and marshal didnt come up

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[quote=“eevee-sama, post:321, topic:80627”]

These are all questions you haven’t answered yet eevee, although the first one is kind of answered now I guess.

the difference between ‘Marshal posts nothing but images to clog the thread and prevent useful discussion’ and ‘Marshal posts nothing but ‘UWU OWO :joy_cat:’ in all caps to clog the thread and prevent useful discussion’ is very little

okay squids probably town

this entire push was a reaction test

i was originally gonna say this but opted for a more realistic looking push

squid wants an election

which is political

politicians are scummy

@PoisonedSquid what do you have to say for yourself

and when I called him out on it he vanished

Speaking of unanswered questions, a certain someone hasn’t answered my question unless he did and I forgot something

wait hold on
marshal keeps posting cat emojis
He’s lolcatting before he evens gets caught :eyes:

You gave up very quickly for that “reactiontest”

Your ISO is all over the place too.

/vote Katze




You are going to be the target of an Italian Vibe Check™
Get your vibe in order before i fix it for you, nerd

i wanted her to respond to an accusation and she did

weird take

hot take

I don’t want an evo point because Marshal is always killing me N1 here and I don’t want it to go to waste :upside_down_face:

First one is “kind of answered now”

And you got answer for second one and you know it, cause you continued reply chain form my answer afair.

So… only third one left?
And change was becouse I voted Marshal for wanting to get point as player who should probably avoid them (without me reading anything in thread, just pure fact), but then Vulgard said something scummy.

Now answer me… is really one post where you shadethrow my vote from over 1 hour ago a reason you try to build image of me “Ignoring your questions”?
Cause… that’s… terrible base for it.


Can you explain the town motivation behind clogging the thread with posts like this one?

You got outplayed bro :man_shrugging: