[SFM] Evolution Mafia [Mafia wins]


Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
katze Solic, Derps, Possessed 3
Derps JakeTheWolfie, Arete 2
Icibalus Emilia 1
Hippolytus Icibalus 1

5 hours till EOD.

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/Vote Katze

Why does Squid always have to repeat herself? She didn’t like Solic’s evaluation on Derps, especially when he said “Scum wouldn’t have a reason for doing this” even though it would have been a benefit for scum to waste a lynch on someone that was going to die anyway

This was a decent take, but honestly super obvious if you would read any of Italy. Looking for role softs is also more of a scum thing to do than a town thing.

Katze is claiming scum sooo much in this ISO. They use it as a shield against accusations and not really as the occasional funny joke.

Soft defending N.

This feels more like being annoyed that Emilia is locktown than healthy suspicion in my opinion.

Going to note this early townread on Jake

More deflecting on anything N

I think this is super disingenuous, because I had the opposite impression.

Kind of like this emotion behind it…, but they are “funny” again 10 minutes later. Not sure what the value of that is.

This aligns with their claim at least.

but then they also have a possible mechanical soft for Jake and they keep bringing up scum Italy worlds too

Wait this is day 2, so night 1 this should have been used (let me doublecheck logs later that they posted)

:thinking: This feels off

Defending N more.

Did you disclose this yet? They hinted later at it being Emilia I guess.

Everybody should actually have already disclosed this, so we can see if the people who got it, were the same people by the votes. If not, we can pinpoint liars… It’s a bit too late in the day, but people should have already outed this.

This was a good vote admittedly, but quite late on the wagon.

It physically hurts me to quote Katze posts with the fake PR.


I couldn’t find major inconsistencies in their full ISO…



I want you to elaborate on why you no actioned n1 however.



That’s a scenario that would never ever happen. How do you see that happening Squid? How would 15 people feasibly agree to just lynch the person that is going to die at EoD and be okay with that?

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/Vote Solic

It’s going to be such a pain to communicate with you.

Just because someone did something doesn’t mean anyone else will agree to it



Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
katze Possessed 1
Derps JakeTheWolfie, Arete 2
Icibalus Emilia 1
Hippolytus CRichard 1
Solic Derps 1

4 hours and 30 minutes till EOD


These votes suck BLEH!

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Okay, so you think they just did that knowing that the chances of it actually succeeding were veryyy slim to none?

tbh this looks so bad rn


Scum also doesn’t need to be aware of how likely their plan would work. Stupid scum exist (No offense to Derps)

Yeah… Oh god, if everyone can form a singular wagon, that’d be nice

I think they would be aware of that not working, so I stand by that argument.