[SFM] Evolution Mafia [Mafia wins]

You have that right.

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Squid didn’t notice the question. Sorry. Squid already explained that Derps’ recent actions don’t make a lot of sense as scum, especially on a scumbud this late into the game. As for Solic, she isn’t sure if he would push hard onto N if Solic is N’s scumbuddy

That would leave Katze and Hippo: Squid has said a few times that she townread Katze, so Hippo would be the only option left. Although, Squid does feel weird seeing as how fast people jumped on the wagon

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wh ws rspnsbl fr WW2, htlr’s rt tchr, th nvntr f rt, r hs prnts?


I want you on a wagon that can at least succeed. It’s way too quiet, I have a bad feeling about this.

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I feel like Possessed is one of the few that has actually paid mind to Katze. I’m not going to be able to do that ISO again in this time. Are you really confident this time? I remember you had quite some scumleans in your list.

Just like it if you are.

thats why I dont want to vote

my pnt s tht n n fctr md m sy “yp drps s 100% scm bcs f ths”

Ah fuck it, let’s see if something happens.

/vote Katze

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We absolutely need your vote this day though. There is way too much division at the moment. Just keep it ready.

let it rand


so we can blame rng after loss


Last time it went to rand, there was a 100% chance of lynching a townie

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okay after reading aretes iso my gut is telling me they’re town and i feel like if im wrong then im a lost cause anyway

didn’t you ISO me and unvote me because of it :thinking:

Exactly, it’s all RNG’s fault. XD

Aaahhh I’m going mad.

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
katze Possessed, Solic 2
Derps Arete, katze, Jake 3
CRichard/Icibalus Emilia 1
Hippolytus CRichard, PoisonedSquid 2
Solic Derps 1
Jake Hippolytus 1

18 minutes to EOD

No movement on the Katze Wagon because reads like this:

This is a bad look. No real reason for Hippo scum, just “Meh it can’t be Katze”. This is all I’ve heard all game.

Katze is town.

Can’t be Katze, I TR them.

Re-evaluate and QUICKLY people, unless you’re happy with the status quo because I’m not. I’m sure scum is though.

On the scumteam Solic: Jake, Squid, Arete and Katze all have good scum equity right now. Honorable mention to Derps, but I don’t think Derps and Katze is a scum team.

(Reference - Post 23)

Yes, but I hate that you’re not all suspicious of Arete when they were the main CFDer on the town counterwagon yesterday. It just reeks.