[SFM] Evolution Mafia [Mafia wins]

i knew this would happen inevitably

guarantee dead chat is saying how obvious town i am but i honestly don’t know how to show it beyond what ive done already

“by AtEing?”

no most of that was fake

i dont know how to defend myself as town

first night: one death (Luxy)
second night: one death (Vul)
third night: two deaths (Jake (claimed by Solic), Emilia)

I was the winner of the lowest unique integer event if you’re wondering why I’ve acquired kills now. Evolved from Avenger.

in what world are you obvious town

in the next 46 hours you’ll find out

now I’m curious what integer you picked

Hmmmm am I so sure of SDA being town that I would lynch one of Katze/Hippo and attack the other. :thinking:

honestly if SDA is scum then hes won the game

hes acting way too dumb to be scum imo

  1. It was in the post itself, so it had the highest chance of people wanting to not choose that.

And it was low enough to stand a good shot.

“surely someone else will pick 2” - everybody

I picked 1 :eyes:


hey at least I blocked scum from getting another point :^)

Ok, so 4 deaths…3 town deaths…1 per night so its obviously the factional kill.

First night Katze had no points im assuming, correct me if I’m wrong Katze.

Second Night, Vulgard IMO was one of the highest regarded townies in the game.

Third night besides you Solic, I’d have said Emilia was the closest to Townlock.

Katze, are your WiFoM skills that poor? I thought I recall you claiming they weren’t.

he got a point on D1

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i don’t think ive ever seen you have this confident of a read on me :thinking:

i was a bodyguard and protected italy

i was a doctor and healed italy

i had a 50/50 between emilia and arete

The Luxy kill ill even let slide because that’s a big pool to guard from.

no no Possessed didn’t you hear

he protected me even though he thought I was scum in case scum decided to kill me despite me not being townread in order to implicate the people pushing me

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