[SFM] Evolution Mafia [Mafia wins]

It’s conventional but it was worked out via mountainous that 4 scum in a 16er is still a 70% scum winrate or smthing ridiculous

4 mafia 1 LW, 1 Factional kill…maybe slightly unbalanced but I think the mechanics made up for it.

Only issue in this set-up was an informed LW.

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That’s with random lynching and if your town can’t do better than random chance at lynching scum they deserve to lose

Also this wasn’t Mountainous

Yeah its like 4 scum in a 22er mountainous thats balanced

No that was overtime in real games not random

i mean having italy shred through 3 town likely didn’t help

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This was mountainous with some mechanics that most people didn’t get to use


Pfft speak for yourself marshie

Didnt like 50%+ of the people evolve

all i did mechanically was roleblock ur lost wolf n1 so :man_shrugging:

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For mashes the rule is 20-25% scum but for effectively vfm like this its not fair to have 5/17 imo

imo when its not mountainous like this game was, i think it was fine. Maybe 4 would have been more balanced, but its a learning process

30% of the players were scum

This isn’t balanced even if it was a mash

Town had two kill classes, one that evolved into a Prince basically. It was 4 uninformed mafia to LW; if we didn’t pick up on Arete that could has been a misfire.

Is 5 starting scum in a 17 player fair? Not fully, but its not terrible either.

And that town player list literally had us crapping our pants. Most of you guys are good readers and obvious town when town players.

it was probably scum sided

italy helped :eyes:

It still took 3 mislynches to win it, and likely more if Italy didn’t take out Eevee and Marshal.

Which is not balanced at all

Fair number of mislynches is number of mafia + 1

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I mean it took 3 mislynches + 3 misvigs, games with town KP require fewer mislynches to win in most cases for obvious reasons

I don’t disagree that 12v5 is scumsided but on that metric it’s fairly close to balanced