[SFM] Evolution Mafia [Mafia wins]

I’m well aware that pointing out 4 people who I haven’t read yet is hedgy. What I want to do here is figure out what the SDA vote means.

you could have just said “bad vote derps w” with slightly more elaboration and I’d believe you. But why jump immediately to the possibility of a bus? do you like… know that marshal is a wolf despite literally never talking about him?

in fact you seem to be assuming pretty heavily that marshal is w based on absolutely no evidence whatsoever

I know Derps pulls the bus usually when scum, but by now EVERYONE has noticed that. I think that SDA is due for a meta shift, which could actually clear Marshal of being scum.

You were so intent on hedging during your vote post, why are you only considering that Marshal could be v now? I think you just decided that Marshal was a wolf beforehand based on some information you should absolutely not have considering you have not read Marshal or even mentioned him at any point in your ISO. Sure, there’s the possibility that you just assumed it because it’s derps’ first vote, because he’s a bad wolf who thinks bussing is a good idea, but that still doesn’t really come from a villager, does it?

Even if you immediately jumped to “Derps is bussing” based on “Derps made a wolfy vote based on no reasoning D1” (by the way that makes no sense even for Derps), there’s still a disconnect. You second-guessed your reasoning at every juncture after that point, hedging your post so you seemingly cannot be proven wrong, but you did not at the point when it mattered: creating your base assumptions.

The obvious conclusion, of course, is that the reasoning is totally fabricated and you’re obviously a wolf. Which the tone and content of your responses basically confirms, considering the scrambly reachy nature of your defense.

long story short poss w vote him

On the contrary: I think Derps is going for a meta shift based on VCA. 2 votes on 5 different players, SDA puts 3 on Marshal. Why?

To ensure one of his wolf-partners is safe.

To determine a wolf, you have to determine intent.

Derps has a habit of popping in and out early game no matter what he is
Later in the game, his scum reads tend to be bafflingly accute
Like better than almost anyone on this entire site

I’d prefer to figure out his slot later and focus on others for now.

didn’t you assume that marsahl was a bus earlier?

marshal being w was your base assumption that you felt it was neccecary to contradict, not the other way around.

It wasn’t an assumption, that’s SDA meta. There’s no assumption in that.

The assumption is that I believe he’s due for a meta shift.

He’s a lot easier to figure out than most people think.

that’s a really really shoddy assumption that no villager as hedgy as you’re being should make

It’s been a while since I’ve tried hard to read him
You might be right
All I was saying is that he’s an extremely valuable asset if he’s town.

also derps being w was your assumption considering you have plainly not done this

Like I said, I know its hedgy and I even appreciate your wolfread, but I’m going to determine what his vote means later when I can establish some reads on you 100+ posters

You say assumption that SDA is wolf, I say “I have a pretty good grasp on his play as both alignments”.

then why are you voting him? why did you structure said vote thing as a damned case post rather than a solving post? why is said solving post riddled with so many assumptions (Derps w, Marshal w, Derps vote Bus).

but how can you when derps hasn’t even played the fucking game yet

Is he though?