[SFM] Evolution Mafia [Mafia wins]

No, not really. Regardless of SDA’s allignment you’re a wolf. I don’t care if you’re bussing or just trying to get a mislynch, because I don’t preflip people.


There’s a wolf more likely in the 4 than it is Marshal. You didn’t read my analysis, you just pushed. Got it.

I have decided Icibalus is probably town

Ok, so lets go with your theory of me being wolf.

What benefit is there of me creating my own wagon when there’s a few other ones going? Much easier to jump on and sheep :sheep:

I don’t think you have a great grasp on me or my confidence in my reads.

That’s a bad defence and you know it

And you misunderstand.

My point is that when creating reads, villagers generally create a series of hypotheses rather than assumptions that they then intend to prove wrong or correct using the logic and evidence of the read. Quite often, one of these hypotheses is “[Read Target] is v”. It’s basically a very rough and unscientific version of the scientific method- you make hypotheses and you prove those wrong and correct. That’s not TMI, that’s just being human.

For you, however, Derps being w was an assumption, not a hypothesis. That’s just bad reading practise, not TMI, but what is important is the hypothese you used to try and preflip Derps and determine his partners (again, really bad reading practise there but whatever). One of those hypotheses was “Marshal is a w and Derps is bussing”, and that’s not a natural thing for your mind to jump to! Sure, you tried to prove it wrong, and you basically succeeded, but why was that worth dignifying with a sentence?

The point is that you created an unnatural series of hypotheses based on things that you simply decided was the null hypothesis for each topic: Derps is w. Marshal is being bussed. If Marshal is not being bussed, one of the 4 other wagons is on a wolf (side note: wow the wagons aren’t v/v/v/v such a great advancement definitely not worth dignifying with a wallpost). Two of these aren’t even about the allignment of the player you’re ostensibly casing.

Sure, technically there’s a causal connection between the series of thoughts and reads, but the leaps of logic are essentially zig-zagging.

Its not even a defence. I’m looking at this from a wolf’s perspective: Making reads outside of wagons is entirely too risky.

That created an incredibly hedgy post that was hard to justify in retrospect, which has lead to your weird and scrambly defense. This still doesn’t quite get across my thoughts on the matter, which really just boil down to “Poss is being incredibly unnatural in his arguments, he’s a wolf.”

It most certainly is not

Starting out with a vanity wagon and moving to a main wagon later on is something that wolvres do all the time.

Agree to disagree

You can’t do that when you’re using it as a defense. You have to prove that your idea works, and even the simple principle of the fact that it’s you who is saying to defend yourself means WIFOM would invalidate it nonetheless.

Ill take the lynch today, honestly. If it gets my read across without players like Ici fighting to discredit it…so be it.

Well except I don’t really see it as a vanity wagon because he had a grand scheme theorized on marshal

It seems like w!possessed is tryna act like he’s creating new directions (then defending by saying wolves dont do this) and ultimately ending up worldbuilding

/Vote Possessed

There was literally 0 or 1 vote on you

That’s fine.

I am literally the only person voting Poss. Imagine the sheer fucking pressure that I, a gangly 16 year old with a Horatio avatar who swears two much exert to the point where I make my first push vote themself.

Ok thanks for making this easy (or ruining the game if you’re town)

/vote possessed

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