[SFM] Evolution Mafia [Mafia wins]

please poss
this kind of WIFOM never works. it’s just embarassing.

You love this narrative don’t you

Oh, I see. Now you’re taunting me. It’s part of the 5 stages of wolf grief, I get it.

I’m out, you guys have fun.

I’m trying very hard not to get angry but you’ve been rude and condescending to me all day. I promised myself I’d stop AtEing but people like you piss me the fuck off.

So have fun. I’m done.

and i don’t appreciate it when people try corny WIFOM games immediately upon being accused, regardless of allignment.

Can we get more votes on this wagon so Icibalus talks and I can determine which alignment he is?

Because you’re legitimately angering me right now

hello i’ve talked now

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Sure /vote Ici. Can you comment on someone else than Possessed? :slight_smile:

I agree with the read but don’t agree with the way it’s verbalized? I’m not sure why Ici is afraid to voice a wolfread there.

@SirDerpsAlot come do things.

To my knowledge, when Ici is frustrating he’s usually town. Is this not a correct meta assessment?

you could have just asked me without voting me. just because there is a 25% chance that your goal involves my death doesn’t mean we can’t be civil about this.

Ici wolf = Derps wolf / Poss V

I think I was pretty civil still. :thinking:

yeah but pressure votes don’t work when they are known to be pressure votes

Oh you think it’s a pressure vote, that’s cute. :upside_down_face:

I also don’t think it’s a good move for Ici to kneecap my read on SDA if they are scumteam.