[SFM] Evolution Mafia [Mafia wins]

And honestly I don’t really wanna read 1600 messages

Why is no one around when I am ree

such is life

Marshal is just bullying the thread and it feels like agenda.
That slot can die.

Marshal scum meta is fluff and agenda

Do you have thoughts on players that are not Marshal?

What do you think about Ici vs Possessed?

how dafuq am i “bullying” the thread


you inflicted a slightly less vapourwave covered version of trickster mode upon us

I haven’t read anything

approximately nobody liked Act 6 Act 5 Act 2 unironically (which was the point but w/e), and you’re doing pretty much just that but without the earrape

like aight, i get im not townread, yadda yadda.

just read my wallposts when they come

and if those don’t convince you that any of katze/vul/arete are better options then me, so be it

just when you read it don’t call me a hypocrite or say “well u tunnel arete every game so eghch” cuz thats ad hominem

Like u can say that about me

but when the wallposts come, please address the argument specifically instead of who it’s coming from

No, I refuse to let you be slippery.

just read the posts when they come(they will soon but not rn as i have to do shit soon)

if ur not convinced, u don’t have to

Then please start reading…

does Napoleon normallly post this little content?

I don’t have the time or energy to read 1600 posts

Then you shouldn’t have signed up for a game based on reading.

It’s really not that difficult to ISO some low posters.

you don’t actually have to read every post
at least skim

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