[SFM] Evolution Mafia [Mafia wins]

Unfortunately this is how most people who don’t like meta think from my experience :expressionless:

i can further elaborate if you wish but it’d have to wait a bit since i have real life obligations to attend to

So you used that site before and used it’s result later?

Do it

ill do it when i get home since i gotta get ready in a few minutes

Idek what’s going on anymore



Sure, just once. :upside_down_face:

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Then explain

This is before anyone even asked, and is probably an original thought

Oh nvm

Oh no I remembered wrong

Most of those still aren’t meme votes

I’ll elaborate on every single one and tell you why they are or aren’t if you want later

But it should be obvious which ones are meme and which ones aren’t

Okay gotta go bye bye

we’ve done it boys
time to party

It’s apparently not obvious.

Also who else do you apparently have sufficient justification for voting other than me, because I apparently have a hard time grasping that through the memes/not memes.

Do you have anything to add on it?

I consider this to be a great success

No I am talking about meta talk

meta dumb

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You just proved my point about people having this attitude