[SFM] Evolution Mafia [Mafia wins]

It’s very similar to you lul, at least the first part,

Very uninterested in actually solving. Once they were forced to do so anyways, they bring incredibly bad ungenuine reads to the table. Apparently scumreading a “slanker” with I think 100 posts at the time (Amelia), while they were slanking themselves. I’d rather have a more inactive slot die.

i feel like people keep saying im not interested in solving because ive only done a little bit of solving in thread but eh

i do struggle to produce earlygame reads so i can’t really argue it

ill iso them in a bit and formulate my own opinion, just wanted to see why the wagon actually existed

something like that, yeah. instead of actually reading a player, people just read exclusively based off of how they normally play. you’re a player that i’ve seen people do this to quite a few times, “emilia did this they’re locktwon” and im pretty sure marshal did that this game >.>

so you’re saying that non-obvious reads, very subliminal things such as how a player presents themselves unknowingly would make for better meta reads? cause if so, i can see that being true

i’ve seen some more ‘obvious’ metas be sheeped quite hard though so i don’t think every player here exactly thinks of it like you are here

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also I again need to know if you are going to respond cuz it’s almost night time

That is true I am also saying that “confirmed” (basically meta’s that has been tested to work for long times) can work well and ones that are rooted in personality of person

As I clarified before I think there can be some more “confirmed” meta’s especially when there are small amount of players who play with each other for long time

(Also I am writing from phone so some parts can be confusing and you should point them out)

i think i get what you’re saying and i don’t disagree with what you’re saying for the most part

in my wallpost i didn’t really touch on the more subtle metas of some people which can be very telling, which, if that’s what you mean by metareads, i can’t really say are bad

but i still personally don’t like metareads :stuck_out_tongue:

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i want to play this game past d1 lynch

and do all the evolution mechanics and events and shit

but im also confident on my reads

Firstly, you have 2 votes., like Poss, Vulgard, and N1.
Secondly, you’re on the top wagon.
Thirdly, try being productive instead of saying “poor me”

nah i will be

just rn im debating whether to go full sicko mode in an attempt to get my reads lynched or more reserved to be actually able to play the game past d1

these don’t have to be mutually exclusive concepts

Marshal/Possessed scumteam?

I was thinking this last night as I brushed my teeth

Solic had a few awkward posts at the beginning but he’s gotten better so i agree with town on him

I disagree with all of these except amelia

so, in that case, do you think me and my wagon is entirely composed of town

Your wagon probably exists because you spammed cat pictures

Just a guess


well i was wagoned earlier for stealing squids point

and then i think i was wagoned again because marshal was scared of being the wagon and im LHF :wink:

I didn’t read posts 400 to 1000

i stole the last point from squid