[SFM] Evolution Mafia [Mafia wins]

Who said I’m LARPing?

I’m only RPing.

I gotchu fam

/Vote Possessed

i prefer to say LARPing because it makes a funnier sound.

I’m not pretending to be you irl, nope.

Altho maybe I should just get younger as you suggest.

i have no evidence of that fact

You know despite all this Ici I still love you and appreciate you

yeah i know how could i possibly have nailed you completely with my first serious read you have to appreciate that

Lemme not throw though

/Vote Amelia

Kill this scum

anyway @eevee-sama thoughts on my poss read and takes on the game in general, bearing in mind that I haven’t read your ISO and have no intention of doing so lest I blunt myself on the malestrom of WIFOM that is your gameplay

tl;dr is a valid answer?

I mean I want thoughts on my poss read and your takes on the game in general
what is grammar

Like…I kinda want to either die or get mechanically cleared so Ici can focus on finding scum. If theres an invest class, please check me tonight if I’m not hung

Ici and i*

tl;dr: poss is w because he preflipped derps as w over literally two posts and went ride or die on it to the point of selfvoting. also whenever i’m in thread he does a litany of posts like that one above there

Considering I skipped 1498 posts… uhm…

My answer: Maybe?

Derps hasn’t done anything to change my mind btw

i skipped every important post too. we’re not so different, you and I

Takes out scalpel - I can try. Tho I don’t have much expertise in brain surgery.

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you shouldn’t have had a mind to change! 2 posts is not enough to start analysing the deep meaning of derp’s literal single action as if he was 100% wolf.