[SFM] Evolution Mafia [Mafia wins]

it’s not even an interaction. it’s just a vote. derps’s allignment is basically irellevant to it based on how bad it is.

If it sniffs your butt,
It’s a wolf

Roses are red
They make a bad stew
The hell are these votes

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Gimme a spice, in case Poss is a wolf… what does it tell us about Derps?
After all they are adamant about theirs read made of 2 posts.

I swear I have goal in mind when asking you to think.

I can deny this is not true.

If Poss flips wolf I’m almost certainly going to heavily read Derps v off of it. I don’t see that vote being a bus in any universe. This is still dependent on Derps not being wolfy as hell, of course.

I think Derp’s shtick has been vaguely villagery, anyway. Reminds me heavily of "ToL"FM Derps, who barely justified his reads but still clearly had them rather than just “lol i’ll just vote randomly haha”, and it also has that same confused vibe I got from him, simply directed towards the game rather than towards his rolecard due to it being designed by an asshole

That’s based on a skim, don’t take it as gospel. I’m talking to you, Poss. Don’t do your obligatory “iCi Is ShOoTiNg DoWn My EpIc ReAd” thing, I beg you.

“iCi Is ShOoTiNg DoWn My EpIc ReAd”

Deep down I’m sure you mean well, but you haven’t gotten into my head quite head.

Ici tici tavi
Your reads are ravioli
I wish they were better
Wish they were wetter
But you play solo, not soli.

See, here is a problem.

Why would wolf Poss try to misslynch town based on 2 posts and go adamant of it, even seeing how badly it looks for them rn.

Do you think Poss is that bold of mafia player or would rather be scared to go like that to not show off that much?

( Above in case Derps is V).
(Below in case Derps is W).

However it seems more likely that they are bussing KINDA, cause then they can go adamant and finish off on top of it.
Still, I can’t really see them going adamant like that when bussing, but there is at least some better gain in that.

All in all, I don’t see that much motivation for wolf to go that adamant about that bullshit of a read out of nowhere so early.

However I like that w/w theory more than w/v one tbh.

That’s my take.

i still don’t know who to Italian Vibe Check™

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Ici, my brain hurts already, can you speak in simple English?

i’m back boys

You can’t check me anymore! Ha!
Poland closed theirs borders!

Screw you Italian coronavirus!

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Pfft rude

marshal’s case isn’t that long, idk what you guys are talking about. it’s pretty good, but I’m not quite sure if I agree with it yet. This isn’t some hedgy nonsense, for context; what I mean is that it looks good to me at this point but I’m not actually sure if that’s just because there’s some blatant thing I’m missing.

you can’t escape forever

Prove it wrong tho.

eevee, I think what’s going on is that poss was trying to pull out a read that seems super deep with the intent of making himself look good. It’s something I’ve done myself; pull out a “serious push” as w with the intent of cancelling it, but targeting it at a villager in case the villagers pick up on it.